Serena Lee

Integrated Media, 2008. Artist and Cultural Worker

“For my practice, I just try to get into a mode of being receptive to moments, fragments, situations, or angles of architecture. I go see exhibitions, plays, performances, lectures, and then discuss them with friends. I read a lot, swaying between fiction and theory.  Sustenance comes largely in the form of community and dialogue.” 

What skills or relationships developed at OCAD U helped you participate in your field? Is there anything you would have done differently?

There are so many formative moments of realization that occurred in that INTM corridor and those classrooms overlooking Grange Park. I realized that I could use a computer. I realized that I could take up space. There are plenty of practical skills and the foundation of a conceptual toolbox that have been instrumental, but mostly what I took out of OCAD was the sense that one could pursue an education of just being human. Now, I wish OCAD had prioritized studio practice instead of a strictly curricular structure. 

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Title: Layers Channels Paths History, performed at 7a*11d International Festival of Performance Art, Toronto, photo documentation

Credit: Henry Chan

Title: Layers Channels Paths History, performed at Clonlea Studios, Dublin, photo documentation

Credit: Senija Topcic

Title: The Taste of The Name

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