Sari Richter

Drawing and Painting, 2010. Art Therapist at Youthdale Treatment Centres

“People generally are willing to recognize that skills are transferable, and Bachelor of Drawing and Painting does not mean I am constrained to being a “drawer” or painter.”

How did you get started in your career?

Upon entering OCAD U, I figured I would most likely not be able to making a living as an “artist”; I also determined that I wanted to work with and help other people. I had also undertaken some independent learning in psychology, just out of interest. 

Until third year at OCAD U, I hadn’t heard much about art therapy, but when I attended a presentation about the profession, I knew it would be a solid fit. In the professional art-making component of my career, I’ve learned that my skills are highly adaptable to a wide range of jobs. While not academically trained as “illustrator” or “storyboard artist,” people generally are willing to recognize that skills are transferable and “Bachelor of Drawing and Painting” does not mean I am constrained to being a “drawer” or “painter.”

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© Sari Richter

© Sari Richter

© Sari Richter

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